Welcome to your spot in history.

History & Landmarks Society.
John Watson has agreed to accept any artifacts that you might send his way and place them in our museum. We also have this new web page on our web site showing a picture of the museum and a link to pictures of all current donations. Pictures will be updated as new artifacts are donated. This is your chance to pass on any items that you may have in your attic from your time on our ship the USS MARS AFS-1 to John. This gives you the opportunity to decide what happens with your memorabilia by passing it on for all future generation to see your items. He welcomes and is excited to see what will come his way.
Mars History & Landmark Society
c/o John Watson
P.O. Box 58
Mars PA 16046
You may also mail any items to me and I will take them to the museum.
Art Sweetland
180 Maple Dr
Upper Burrell Twp
New Kensington PA 15068-7216
Here are pictures a few items that have made it to the museum.
Good to speak with you on the phone the other day.
The stain glass picture that I promised you is attached. It is hanging in the middle room of the Mars Train Station Museum. It is on display for folks to see. I had a Lego Team of young middle school age students touring the town and historical property. They were able to see the bell on display in the town square and then the window provided by the sailors of the ship later at the museum.
I'll be in touch after the first of the year for getting together about the stain glass window recognition date some Friday when the historical society will be doing activities on their property.
Take care,
Gregg Hartung